We had so much fun during our first week of holiday club! Fortunately the weather stayed fair all week with only a few drops of rain here and there so we were outside all day, every day.
Just in case it did rain, and also to provide some shade from the sunshine we made use of our new den building kits. We had lots of fun working out where to set up our dens, tying up the tarpaulins and hammering in tent pegs.

We learnt a fab new game called ‘drip, drip, splash’ which helped us all to cool down on the hotter days, we also played ‘eagle eyes are open’, ‘hide and seek’, ‘Hey Mr Crocodile’ and many, many more games. For those of us who were feeling creative we had our Creation Station with lots of building, painting and drawing activities. We also made potions, magic wands, bracelets, did a spot of gardening, spoldged in the stream and perhaps best of all – whittled our own bow and arrows!

And when we weren’t busy running around doing all of that, we had the hammocks to sit back and relax in…

What a perfect week… can’t wait for more fun next week!