We're a charity

Volunteers make PAWS thrive

Artist – Bea, age 4

PAWS Charity

Embedded in our community

PAWS is a registered charity, and our committee members are all volunteers. Any profits we make are used to further improve what we can provide to our children.

Our charity status reflects our ethos and ways of working. We are closely involved in village life and along with the school we are embedded in our community. It is commitment from local volunteers on various fronts that makes PAWS thrive.

Get involved

Help support PAWS


Volunteer support comes in many forms and we welcome any offers to help our setting blossom. If you want to join our committee, raise money for us, or offer your creative or professional services, please do get in touch.

Committe membership

We always need new committee members and you could find yourself making a difference to local families, improving the environment, socialising or improving your CV. It is always up to you how much time you would like to commit.


Fundraising is very welcome too, and if you have ideas for how we can fund our ever growing aspirations please get in touch.

Help us each time you buy! 

PAWS can now receive 0.5% of the purchase price of almost any item bought on Amazon and it doesn’t cost you a penny!

To get started, simply: 

  •  Visit smile.amazon.co.uk  
  • Type in ‘Whalton’ to search for PAWS  
  • Select ‘Pre-School And After School At Whalton School’ 


From now on always use smile.amazon.co.uk NOT amazon.co.uk 

  • If you have the Amazon app on your phone: 
  • Log in 
  • Go to settings 
  • Click on Amazon Smile and follow the instructions 


Please always remember to be logged in at smile.amazon.co.uk

If you can support us in our vision, mission and values, all of which we hold close to our heart, please do give us a call on 01670 708 918.

Vision & mission

What we stand for


For all our children, a strong mind, a happy heart, and a spirit of adventure.   


Fun, professional, nature-inspired childcare, tailored to the needs of every child, every day.  


We are proud of who we are. We are proud of each other.


We do what is right. We are not afraid to fail.


We think of others. We think for ourselves.


We aim high and believe we can. We try and try again.

Our values

At the heart of PAWS

Our values drive our behaviour and reflect what we hope to be. They apply to children and to staff. They are about independence and working together, believing in ourselves and supporting others.

We hope they are there for all to see, in our words and in our actions.